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Products & Development

mySites.Guru – Joomla update

The Guru tool replaces the Joomla Plesk extension which previously served the above purpose at BY Design, as we felt it was no longer fit for purpose.

We have successfully connected 55 Joomla websites to the mySites.Guru management tool. This allows us to manage and update the core and extensions of all the Joomla websites we host from one central place. It also provides a secondary backup method for each site, separate to the main overnight server backup, and certain functions can be automated in Guru, which also provides peace of mind.

The Guru tool replaces the Joomla Plesk extension which previously served the above purpose at BY Design, as we felt it was no longer fit for purpose, and so went to market to source a more sophisticated tool.

All of this was delivered at no cost to our clients and represents another example of our commitment to continuous improvement in the services we provide.