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Carbon Neutral Website Hosting

Don’t wait for others to make a move, lead the way. Migrating your website to a carbon neutral hosting service is one small part of a plan to hit net zero.

Ready to go green?

Why Carbon Neutral? What does it mean?

It means balancing out your carbon emissions by firstly changing how you do things, and secondly by funding carbon saving initiatives.

Take small steps in changing your business while making big strides in helping the environment.

How Does It Work?

Our carbon neutral server is held with UKFast, who are a carbon neutral business and the first carbon neutral hosting provider in the UK.

The formal accreditation belongs to them, which cascades down to cover our server, and as a result, all of the websites hosted upon it.
Follow the four step process below to make your website carbon neutral.

What does carbon neutral hosting include?

  • SSL certificate

    Each hosted website includes an SSL certificate to ensure all data is securely transmitted to and from the server

  • Daily backup

    The server automatically backs up each website every night, with a rolling seven day schedule.

  • 24 hour protection

    A professional grade firewall is in place along with numerous security tools which run continuously.

  • 24/7/365 on-site engineer

    The server lives in a data centre in Manchester, and their engineers are on site in shifts providing permanent cover.

  • Security updates

    Security patches to the content management system (CMS) are applied to every website on a weekly basis. The server features software which monitors which sites need upgrading and generates a daily report.

  • Plugin and extension updates

    As above, but relating to the components within each site, rather than the overall framework

  • Uptime monitoring tool

    The server software checks every website on a five minute rotation to make sure it is online and responding to connection requests. If it isn't, it notifies the support team.

Follow the four step process below to make your website carbon neutral:

Plan the move

Agree a date to migrate your existing website to our Carbon Neutral hosting server.

The magic bit

Sit back and relax whilst our migration team takes care of the website move for you.

Test and launch

The final step is to carry out a thorough test and check of your website before re-launch.

Display the logo

Once complete, you have the option to display the carbon neutral logo on your website.

What happens next?

Fill out the online enquiry form with details of your existing website, or call us on the number below.

Need more information?